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פרוייקט השחזור של בית הקברות וקבר האחים בדרשוקופול

ע"י גארי הירשפלד

I want to thank to Gary Gershfield that send me all the photos in the page and also to thank him about all the restrotion of the Droshkopol's cemetry and the Mass grave near the town.

Thank you Gary.


"To Honor and Preserve"


"This year, the group was accompanied by Gary Gershfield, the principal sponsor of the trip and the great-grandson of one of the Druzhkopol victims. His great-grandfather and roughly 1,000 other Jews populated the town of Druzhkopol, which coexisted with the neighboring gentile town Zhuravnicki until Druzhkopol was wiped out during World War II. "

​To read more, double click on the picture ---> 

לקרוא עוד בכתבה - הקלק על התמונה

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